garmo AG
Ulmer Straße 173
D-70188 Stuttgart
Telefon: (0711) 16861-0
Telefax: (0711) 16861-10
Dr. Eduardo Garcia, chairman
Manuel Garcia
District Court of Stuttgart,
HRB 22715
VAT No.: DE 147813961
garmo AG constantly reviews and updates the information on its websites. Despite all our effects, the data may have changed in the meantime. For this reason, we do not assume liability for or guarantee the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided. The same applies to all other websites that are referred to by hyperlink. garmo AG is not responsible for the content of websites accessed in this manner.
Furthermore, garmo AG reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided. The content and structure of the garmo AG website are protected by copyright. The reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts or images, requires the prior consent of garmo AG.
PHOTO CREDITS,,, Bild Pressehaus
Responsible for the content
Herr José Antunez, Marketing